Presto Releases

April 11, 2021

Inventory data and more permissions updates

Presto Engineering

April 11, 2021

Another morsel of updates to inventory and permissions has just arrived. Let’s dig in!

Inventory Tables

Some great feedback came in about adding timesavers for directors. Round one of this update includes quickly seeing which inventory item is checked out to which student.

  • Inventory table has a Checked Out To column
  • The table has a new filter to view either Checkout Status or Unassigned more easily
  • Both Directors and District Administrators can see this data
View Checkout Data in Inventory Table.
View Checkout Data in Inventory Table


Directors can more easily see permissions for any adult (director or parent) in their organization. Click on an adult in the data table to show a detailed view of that person’s data. Any adult can have these permissions added to various parts of the Presto Assistant web app:

Read, Write, Edit, Delete

As long as a director can update the permissions of other users, they can click the “edit” icon button to update any of these permissions.

View Permissions in Adult Details
View Permissions in Adult Details

NOTE: Assistant directors for every organization automatically have all permissions set only to “Read” and “Write”. The lead Director for an organzation or the District Administrators can update those permissions as needed.


  • In the “Communications” area students can only email the directors of their organization. This was broken — fixed now.


  • Bug fixes and general updates related to system infrastructure. We like it when boring udpates make everything run more smoothly.

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