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Presto Saves Time

by Mike Mathew

March 01, 2019

TMEA Convention cafe.
Spend more of "today" doing what matters

A teacher’s time is valuable. Fine arts teachers have hundreds of different activities to do each day. After dealing with rehearsals, student payments, attendance, rosters, email communication, contest entries, and more, many teachers cannot make enough time for exercise and sleep. A quick internet search on “teacher fatigue” can tell you that the feeling it widespreak.

Perhaps you find yourself cobbling together multiple spreadsheets and various helper apps and programs. If you are juggling multiple apps, multiple logins, different ways of tracking the same data, then it’s time to find a simpler way. We have a more efficient solution for you!

With Presto, a single web app with a single login can get you up and running.

Presto presents a unified way to:

  • Manage student rosters
  • See calendar events at a glance
  • Track inventory
  • Organize your library
  • Communicate with students
  • Handle uniform organization

Our team is rapidly adding more features each week. Have questions? Send us an email to learn more about Presto and how we can help you save time!